Sunday, January 10, 2010

up..... and downs...

there is ups and downs every where in my life... i feel energetic as an electron and then i feel like a dead meat! i can't stand this... there is a poem in Farsi that says:
رهرو ان نیست که گهی تند و گهی اهسته رود   رهرو ان است که اهسته و پیوسته رود
it mean a hiker isn't who that walks fast some times and then walks super slow some time... a hiker is one who walks steady.... and i can see the point.. i see my weak point... i have to fix myself and teach myself to be a steady hiker...

yesterday i went to Chebot center... i didn't felt like going there but i forced myself and i am glad that i did ... i was feeling wonderful..specially when i was alone with the telescopes..i met an other volunteer in there who biked around the country after he was layed off from his job! isn't that a courage??? if it was me i could have gone to an other layer of depression! so i though to myself that i will do that some day.... and my aim for it will be " freedom in religion"!!! then i though again... STOP! this is BAD,.. i mean i feel the joy by imagination and in some point the joy is quite real that i feel i have done it so i don't want to do it any more!!! isn't that weird!!!... so i jump to an other thing .... this needs to get fixed...

OK OK.. enough.. so my resolution for now is to be
  • steady
  • think about reality
  • have fun with my studying!
  • be involved with Chabot
  • finish all the works related to each week by end of that week
hopefully this will help me to become a scientists...

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